Spin-Glas® Ultra Polypropylene Scrim Reinforced Tape
Spin-Glas Ultra Polypropylene Scrim Reinforced Tape

Spin-Glas® Ultra Polypropylene Scrim Reinforced Tape is designed to provide a vapor barrier seal on JM’s 800 Series Spin-Glas Ultra fiberglass board insulation. The tape has the same polypropylene coated scrim reinforced metalized polyester facing as the 800 Series Spin-Glas Ultra fiberglass board insulation. Spin-Glas Ultra Tape is tear-resistant and offers a super high-tack, acrylic adhesive that bonds tightly to surfaces. The tape can be used on applications that operate within a wide temperature range: 20°F – 130°F/-7°C -54°C.