APP Roofing Systems

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Polyester-reinforced, APP mineral-surfaced cap or flashing sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade G

APPeX 4.5M is used as a cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the APP-blended sheet. The ceramic coating promotes excellent long-term adhesion.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.



JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Polyester-Reinforced, APP Reflective Mineral-Surfaced Cool Roof Cap or Flashing Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade G

APPeX 4.5M CR G is used as a polyester-reinfored cool roof cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Reflective Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for high reflectivity, durability and optimal embedment in the APP modified bitumen sheet.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.

APPex-4.5M-CR-G 700x464


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Premium fire-retardant, polyester-reinforced, APP mineral-surfaced cap or flashing sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade G

APPeX 4.5M FR is used as a cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the APP-blended sheet. The ceramic coating promotes excellent long-term adhesion.

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer, Asphalt and Fire-Retardant Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Fire Retardant, Polyester-Reinforced, APP Reflective Mineral-Surfaced Cool Roof Cap or Flashing Sheet,

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade G

APPeX 4.5M FR CR G is used as a polyester-reinfored cool roof cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Reflective Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for high reflectivity, durability and optimal embedment in the APP modified bitumen sheet.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Premium polyester-reinforced, APP smooth-surfaced cap or ply sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade S

APPeX 4S is used as a cap or base sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the top of the sheet. A polyolefin burn-off film on the bottom side enables the product to be applied using heat-welding techniques.


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Premium Polyester-Reinforced, APP Smooth Cap, Ply, or Flashing Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade S

APPeX 4S is used as a cap or base sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the top of the sheet. A polyolefin burn-off film on the bottom side enables the product to be applied using heat-welding techniques.



JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

Installation Guides

JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Fire-Retardant, Fiber Glass/Polyester-Reinforced, APP Mineral-Surfaced Cap or Flashing Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6223, Type I, Grade G

BICOR M FR is used as a premium cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Ceramic-coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the APP-blended sheet. The ceramic coating promotes excellent long-term adhesion. Granules are available in white, black and tan (Black and tan may require extended lead times).

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer, Asphalt and Fire-Retardant Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass/Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Combines the excellent tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of a polyester mat with the dimensional stability and lay-flat characteristics of fiber glass.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the bottom side. Enables the product to be applied in cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

Installation Guides

JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Premium, Fiber Glass/Polyester-Reinforced, APP Smooth Base or Ply Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6223, Type I, Grade S

BICOR S is used as a premium base or ply sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass/Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Combines the excellent tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of a polyester mat with the dimensional stability and lay-flat characteristics of fiber glass.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on both sides of the sheet. Enables the product to be applied in cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.


JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Superior polyester-reinforced APP smooth and slate-surfaced membranes.

DIBITEN is a superior APP modified bitumen membrane reinforced with a high-quality nonwoven polyester mat and is one of the finest heat weld applied modified bitumen membranes ever produced not only for residential roofing but for commercial and industrial roofing as well. 

Available Documents

Premium, Polyester-Reinforced, APP Reflective Mineral-Surfaced Cool Roof Cap or Flashing Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6222, Type I, Grade G

DIBITEN Poly/4.5 CR G is used as a polyester-reinfored cool roof cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Reflective Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for high reflectivity, durability and optimal embedment in the APP modified bitumen sheet. Each pallet of Dibiten Poly/4.5 CR G contains three bags of CR G granules to dress up bleed out.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Provides bidirectional glass-scrim reinforcement and offers robust tear strength and puncture resistance, allowing for high wind performance and excellent hail rating. The sheet also exhibits strong dimensional stability and enhanced elongation.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.


Modified Bitumen Roofing Product Guide

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Fiber glass-reinforced APP base or ply sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6509

JM APP Base is used as a base or ply sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass Reinforcement Mat: Offers excellent dimensional stability and tensile strength and withstands differential movement. Because it has no thermal memory less time is needed to relax the sheet, allowing for ease of installation. The fiber glass mat also has good lay-flat characteristics.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on both sides of the sheet. Enables the product to be applied using cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.



JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Fiber Glass-Reinforced, APP Base or Ply Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6509

JM APP Base 2.0 SQ is used as a base or ply sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass Reinforcement Mat: Offers excellent dimensional stability and tensile strength and withstands differential movement. Because it has no thermal memory less time is needed to relax the sheet, allowing for ease of installation. The fiber glass mat also has good lay-flat characteristics.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the top side of the sheet. A polyolefin burn-off film on the bottom side enables the product to be applied using heat welding techniques.



JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

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JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Fiber Glass-Reinforced, APP Base or Ply Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6509

JM APP Base Plus is used as a base or ply sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass Reinforcement Mat: Offers excellent dimensional stability and tensile strength and withstands differential movement. Because it has no thermal memory less time is needed to relax the sheet, allowing for ease of installation. The fiber glass mat also has good lay-flat characteristics.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on both sides of the sheet. Enables the product to be applied using cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.



JM APPeX Modified Bitumen Brochure

Installation Guides

JM APP Installation Application Guide

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Fire-retardant, fiber glass/polyester-reinforced, APP mineral-surfaced cap or flashing sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6223, Type II, Grade G

TRICOR M FR is used as a premium cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the APP-blended sheet. The ceramic coating promotes excellent long-term adhesion. 

Premium APP Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations. The FR blend contains additional fire-retardant additives.

Fiber Glass/Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Combines the excellent tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of a polyester mat with the dimensional stability and lay-flat characteristics of fiber glass.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the bottom side. Enables the product to be applied using cold adhesive or heat-welding techniques.

Colors: Granules are available in white, black and tan. Black and tan may require extended lead times.

Available Documents

Premium, Fire-Retardant, Fiber Glass/Polyester-Reinforced, APP Reflective Mineral-Surfaced Cool Roof Cap or Flashing Sheet

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6223, Type II, Grade G

TRICOR M FR CR G is used as a premium fiber glass/polyester-reinforced cool roof cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Reflective Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for high reflectivity, durability and optimal embedment in the APP modified bitumen sheet.

Premium APP Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations. The FR blend contains additional fire retardant additives.

Fiber Glass/Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Combines the excellent tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of a polyester mat with the dimensional stability and lay-flat characteristics of fiber glass.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the bottom side. Enables the product to be applied using cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.

Available Documents

Premium polyester-reinforced APP smooth-surfaced cap or base sheet.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 6223, Type II, Grade S

TRICOR S is used as a premium base or ply sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Premium APP Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Fiber Glass/Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Combines the excellent tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance of a polyester mat with the dimensional stability and lay-flat characteristics of fiber glass.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on both sides of the sheet. Enables the product to be applied using cold adhesive or heat welding techniques.

Available Documents

ValuWeld G incorporates the features of a non-woven polyester mat with the benefits of an APP modified asphalt.

ValuWeld G is used as a cap or flashing sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the APP-blended sheet. The ceramic coating promotes excellent long-term adhesion.

APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Offers good tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance and can accommodate stresses created by typical rooftop expansion and contraction forces.

Polyolefin Burn-Off Film: Promotes ease of heat welding.

Colors: White and Black only.


ValuWeld Brochure

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ValuWeld S incorporates the features of a non-woven polyester mat with the benefits of an APP modified asphalt.

ValuWeld S is used as a cap or base sheet in APP multi-ply roofing systems.

Premium APP (Atactic Polypropylene) Polymer and Asphalt Blend: Provides an extremely durable sheet with excellent weathering characteristics, flexibility and dimensional stability for ease of handling and quick installations.

Polyester Reinforcement Mat: Offers good tensile strength, toughness and puncture resistance and can accommodate stresses created by typical rooftop expansion and contraction forces.

Surfacing: Fine mineral parting agent on the top of the sheet. A polyolefin burn-off film on the bottom side enables the product to be applied using heat-welding techniques.


ValuWeld Brochure

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Fiber glass-reinforced, asphalt-coated venting base sheet.

Material meets the requirements of ASTM D 4897, Type II

Ventsulation Felt may be used as a base sheet for any built up roofing or modified bitumen roofing system to be installed over a substrate that potentially contains moisture.

1" Embossed Waffle Pattern Grid Channels: Promotes moisture vapor venting. Helps prevent blistering of asphalt-based roofs when installed over potential moisture-containing substrates such as: Re-covers over existing roof membranes, lightweight insulating fill or gypsum decks.

Fiber Glass Reinforcement Mat: Low moisture, excellent dimensional stability and resistance to rot make it an ideal replacement for organic base sheets. Provides a solid dimensionally stable substrate for other roofing membrane components.

Surfacing: Coarse minerals on one side.

Available Documents

Polyethylene-reinforced, self-adhering SBS vapor barrier.

Tri-laminate woven polyethylene, nonslip, UV-protected top surface: Provides temporary weather protection for 90 days. Provides high tensile strength and puncture resistance.

Self-sealing, high-quality SBS rubber and asphalt blend: Provides low air and vapor permeability.

Silicone release film: Allows for ease of self-adhering installation.


JM Vapor Barrier SA Sell Sheet

Installation Guides

JM Vapor Barrier SA Installation Guide

JM Vapor Barrier SA Installation Guide - Español


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Fiber Glass-Reinforced, Polyethlene Surfaced, Self-Adhering SBS Vapor Barrier

Tri-laminate woven polyethylene, nonslip, UV-protected top surface: Provides temporary weather protection for 90 days. Provides high tensile strength and puncture resistance.

Self-adhering modified bitumen: Self-sealing, high-quality SBS rubber and asphalt blend: provides low air and vapor permeability.

Split-back silicone release film: Easy-to-peel release film sheet that allows for ease of self-adhering installation.

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JM Vapor Barrier SA Sell Sheet

Installation Guides

JM Vapor Barrier SA Installation Guide

JM Vapor Barrier SA Installation Guide - Español


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Reflective Roofing Granules: Bright white granules specifically designed for high reflectivity and durability.

Reflective Roofing Granules: Bright white granules specifically designed for high reflectivity and durability.

Color: Bright White

Lightroom (20140919_JM_SBSCR_Details-023.nef and 57 others)
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Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the bitumen. These granules are colored with durable pigments, bonded in a ceramic matrix and treated to promote excellent long-term adhesion.

Ceramic-Coated Roofing Granules: Specifically engineered for optimal embedment in the bitumen. These granules are colored with durable pigments, bonded in a ceramic matrix and treated to promote excellent long-term adhesion.

Colors: White

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1-Part PermaFlash is a one-part, elastomeric, liquid-applied flashing material designed for flashing penetrations on granulated JM bituminous membranes. 1-Part PermaFlash is available in a box with two 1-gallon pails (9lbs each) or a 5-gallon pail (45lbs). It requires no mixing of components on-...

Use: 1-Part Permaflash is a unique, one-component, elastomeric, liquid applied flashing material, consisting of an asphalt/polyurethane resin. It is formulated for use with Johns Manville (JM) modbit membrane products.

Type: One-part, elastomeric, liquid-applied flashing material.

Color: Brown

Features: Cures to a durable, elastomeric film and forms exceptional bonds between the modified bitumen and a variety of penetrating materials. Single component solution with no mixing required that conforms easily to various geometries or irregular shapes. UV stable, high solids (80%), low odor.


1-Part PermaFlash FAQ

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One-part, specification grade, penetrating priming solution for multiple substrates prior to the application of a bituminous roofing system.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 41, Type II

Use: Used to prepare substrates prior to the application of hot asphalt or cold adhesives in BUR, SBS and APP modified bitumen roofing systems. Do not use Asphalt Primer as a finish coat on roofs.

Type: One-part, specification grade, penetrating priming solution.

Substrates: Compatible with concrete; gypsum; masonry; block; brick; and metal surfaces.

Color: Black Features: Low VOC and sprayable.

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One-part, asphalt-based, trowel-grade mastic for use in flashing details for bituminous roofing systems.

Use: To adhere both vertical and horizontal roof flashing surfaces. Useful for repairing leaks in metal, shingles, concrete, flashings, gutters, around chimneys, flues, soil pipes, drains, eaves, cornices and roof perimeters.

Type: One-part, low VOC, asphalt-based trowel-grade mastic.

Features: Maintains bond during varying temperatures and weather conditions, and bonds to dissimilar materials. Excellent Durability. Remains Flexible Over Time.

Color: Black

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Polyurethane adhesive for attaching insulation/cover boards to the roof deck or other insulation boards.

Use: JM One-Step Foamable Adhesive is a two-component polyurethane adhesive used for attaching insulation or cover boards to the roof deck or to other insulation boards.

Type: Two-part, cold application insulation adhesive.

Substrates: Compatible with the following insulations, cover boards, and substrates1 : polyisocyanurate; HD wood fiber; perlite; Invinsa® Roof Board; gypsum; concrete2
(Lightweight structural, poured-in-place structural, precast, and insulating); treated plywood (5/8" [1.58 cm] min. thickness); cementitious wood fiber plank; base sheets; gypsum; and some existing smooth-surfaced asphalt (per inspection).
1. Ensure that all insulation boards are 4' x 4' or smaller.
2. Drying time of 28 days required

Color: Part 1 - Tan, Part 2 - Colorless

Features: Solvent free. Set boards immediately into adhesive; reduces installation time and maximizes adhesive footprint. No hoses or pumps required. Always on ratio, eliminates guesswork.

JM-One-Step-Foamable-Adhesive 700x588

Installation Guides

Application Instructions for Board Stock Attachment with JM One-Step Foamable Adhesive

Available Documents

Two-part polyurethane adhesive.

Use: JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive is a two-component polyurethane adhesive used for attaching fleece-backed single ply membranes to insulation boards or various deck types as well as insulation boards to the roof deck or to other insulation boards.

Type: Two-part, cold application insulation adhesive.

Substrates: Compatible with the following insulations, cover boards, and substrates1 : polyisocyanurate; HD wood fiber; perlite; Invinsa® Roof Board; gypsum; concrete2 (Lightweight structural, poured-in-place structural, precast, and insulating); treated plywood (5/8" [1.58 cm] min. thickness); cementitious wood fiber; gypsum; smooth or granulated BUR, APP or SBS.
1. Ensure that all insulation boards are 4' x 4' or smaller.
2. Ensure that the concrete is adequately dry for adhesion.

Color: Part 1 - Tan, Part 2 - Colorless

Features: Solvent free, and HCFC or CFC free. Universal adhesive for adhering fleece-backed membranes and insulation boards. Sets in minutes.


Installation Guides

Installation Instructions for JM Roofing Systems Urethane Adhesive (RSUA)

Available Documents

Elastomeric cold-application adhesive for installing SBS and APP modified bitumen membranes.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 3019, Type III, Grade 2.

Use: For adhering roofing plies, modified bitumen membranes and for aggregate surfacings. It can be used as a direct substitute for asphalt in all JM modified bitumen roof membrane specifications.

Type: One-part, elastomeric cold application membrane adhesive.

Color: Black

Features: Cures to form a durable, elastomeric and watertight film. Cold process – does not have to be heated. Ready for use as shipped.

MBR Cold adhesive product pic
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Liquid-applied flashing material for bituminous systems and the PermaFlash™ Bituminous Flashing System.

Use: For use with JM BUR and SBS membrane products. It is part of the JM PermaFlash® Bituminous Flashing System for penetrations and other details. Ideal for areas where hot asphalt is prohibited, not desirable or not practical.

Type: Two-part, elastomeric, liquid-applied flashing material.

Color: Black

Features: Cures to a durable, elastomeric film and forms exceptional bonds between the modified bitumen and underlying substrate. Resists virtually all factors affecting base flashing performance while providing superior flexibility and durability. UV stable, high solids, low odor, VOC compliant.

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One-part, asphalt-based, trowel-grade mastic for use in flashing details for bituminous roofing systems.

Meets the requirements of ASTM D 4586, Type I

Use: As a substitute for asphalt and MBR® Flashing Cement in JM modified bitumen flashing details, and can be used to adhere the JM modified bitumen flashing systems and built-up roofing felts to vertical surfaces, as a general purpose mastic on most built up roofing and modified bitumen flashing details, or to strip in the laps of modified bitumen base flashings.

Type: One-part, asphalt-based, trowel-grade mastic.

Color: Black

Features: Cold process – does not have to be heated. Cures to form a durable, elastomeric and watertight film. Ready for use as shipped.

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#14 case-hardened steel insulation and membrane fastener with a #3 Phillips head.

All Purpose Fasteners are #14 case-hardened steel fasteners with a #3 Phillips head. The point is designed for quick installation in new or re-roof applications.

Use: Membranes and Insulation
Material: Case-hardened steel
Gauge: #14
Head: #3 Phillips head
Color: Grey
Deck Types: Wood, Concrete, and 18 - 24 gauge (1.25 mm - 0.56 mm) Metal.

Plate Compatibility*
• UltraFast® Locking Plastic Plates
• UltraFast® Metal Plates
• High Load Plates (not pictured)
• APB Plates (not pictured)
• RhinoPlate (concrete decks)

* See corresponding data sheets for information regarding UltraFast, High Load, and APB Plates.

All Purpose Fasteners 142x87
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Expanding base sheet fasteners with GALVALUME®-coated steel plates.

LWC Pre-Assembled Base Sheet Fasteners are twin-legged, expanding base sheet fasteners with 2.7" (6.9 cm) Galvalume®*- coated steel plates.

Use: Base Sheets

Fastener: Twin-Legged Steel

Plate: Galvalume-Coated Steel

Color: Black (fasteners), Grey (plates)

Deck Type: Lightweight insulating concrete roof decks, with minimum thickness of 1.25" (3.18 cm), and 1.25" (3.18 cm) for gypsum decks.

* Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers.

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Insulation Fasteners and plates.

Lite-Deck Fasteners are available in lengths from 2 5/8” to 12" (67 mm to 305 mm), come with a square drive and offer coarse thread to provide high pullout resistance.

Lite-Deck plates are 3" (76 mm) round, Galvalume®*-coated plates for use with Lite-Deck Fasteners.

Use: Insulation

Fastener: Steel

Head: #3 Square Drive

Plate: 3" (76 mm) Galvalume-Coated Steel - Round

Color: Black (fasteners) Grey (plates)

Deck Type: Gypsum, and Cementitious Wood Fiber

* Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers.

lite deck Fasteners Image A 447x339
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Solid glass-reinforced nylon membrane and insulation fasteners.

Polymer Auger Fasteners are glass-reinforced nylon fasteners with an internal ¼" (6 mm) square drive. Polymer Auger Fasteners have a 1" (2.5 cm) diameter head.

Polymer Auger Fasteners are available with Galvalume®*-coated, metal stress plates, designed to lock into the fastener head.

Use: Insulation and Membranes

Material: Fasteners - Polymer
                 Plates - Galvalume-Coated Steel

Gauge: 0.675" Diameter Screw

Head: 1" (2.5 cm) Diameter, ¼" (6 mm) Square Drive

Plates: 2" (5.1 cm) or 3" (7.6 cm) Round

Color: Black (fasteners), Grey (plates)

Deck Types: Cementitious Wood Fiber or Gypsum

* Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers.

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Diamond point, nonthreaded carbon steel insulation and membrane fastener.

Structural Concrete Deck Fasteners are diamond point, non-threaded fasteners for hammer-in installation of insulation and single ply membranes to structural concrete. These carbon steel fasteners have a corrosion-resistant coating.

Use: Insulation and Membranes

Material: Diamond Point, Corrosion-Resistant Coated Carbon Steel

Head: Flat

Color: Black

Deck Type: Structural Concrete

Plate Compatibility*

  • UltraFast® Flat-Bottom, Metal Plates
  • APB Plates
  • High Load Plates

* See corresponding data sheets for information regarding UltraFast, APB and High Load Plates.

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Insulation fastening system.

The UltraFast AccuTrac Fastener and Plate System utilizes the standard UltraFast Fastener and the UltraFast Accutrac, recessed or flat bottomed, square plate. The AccuTrac tool positions the plate and installs fasteners 15⁄8" - 6" (4.13 cm - 15.24 cm) in a one-step process. Consistent vertical alignment of fasteners ensures maximum thread engagement and pullout performance.

Use: Membranes

Material: Fasteners - Case-Hardened Steel
                Plates - Galvalume®*-Coated Steel

Gauge: #12

Head: #3 Phillips Head

Plate: UltraFast AccuTrac™ - 3" (7.62 cm) Square**

Color: Blue (fasteners), Grey (plates)

Deck Type: Wood or 18 - 24 gauge (1.25 mm - 0.51 mm) Metal.

*Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers.

**Standard UltraFast Plates are not compatible with this system.

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#12, case-hardened steel, polymer-coated fastener with GALVALUME®-Metal or Locking Plastic Plates.

The UltraFast Fastener is a #12, case-hardened steel, polymer-coated fastener with a buttress thread design that provides maximum pullout values and minimizes fastener backout. Available with either a #3

Phillips head or a ¼" (6.35 mm) hex head. The drill point is designed for quick installation in new or re-roof applications, and provides exceptional drilling capability in higher tensile decks.

Use: Insulation
Material: Fasteners - Case-Hardened Steel, Polymer-Coated
Gauge: #12
Head: #3 Phillips Head or ¼" (6.35 mm) Hex Head
Color: Blue
Deck Types: Wood or 18 - 24 gauge (1.25 mm - 0.51 mm) Metal


UltraFast Locking Plastic Plates are 3” (7.62 cm) round, high strength polypropylene plates with a special locking feature.

UltraFast Metal Plates are 3” (7.62 mm) round or square, premium Galvalume®*-coated steel metal plates.

Use: Insulation
Material: Plates - Galvalume-Coated Steel or High Strength Polypropylene
Gauge: 26 Gauge Steel
Plates: 3" (7.62 cm) Round Locking Plastic & Round or Square Metal
Colors: Grey (metal plates), Blue (plastic plates)
*Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers.

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Galvanized-steel tube and GALVALUME®-coated steel disc clamped to a wire-locking staple.

UltraLok Locking Impact Fasteners and Plates consist of a preassembled Galvanized steel tube, a 2.7" (6.86 cm) Galvalume®*-coated steel disc, and a precision-formed, coated- steel, high tensile, wirelocking staple. The disc is securely clamped to the tube and is rib-reinforced to resist cupping.

Use: Cover Boards and Base Sheets

Material: Tube - Galvanized Steel
                 Plates - Galvalume-Coated Steel
                 Locking Staple - Coated-Steel, High Tensile Wire

Plate: 2.7" (6.86 cm) Metal - Round

Color: Grey

Deck Types: Poured Gypsum, Cementitious Wood Fiber and LWIC Lightweight Insulating Concrete

* Galvalume is a registered trademark of BIEC International, Inc. and some of its licensed producers

Available Documents

Enhanced Coated Glass Mat Faced Gypsum Cover Board

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1177

Enhanced Face Mat: Coated fiberglass facer ideal for fully adhered systems provides a broader compatibility and higher performance with roofing adhesives.

Fire Performance: FM Class 1 for fire barrier requirements and UL Class A unlimited slope with excellent surface burning characteristics. 5/8" thickness meets the requirements of Type X per ASTM C 1177.

Available Documents

This gypsum cover board is enhanced with a coated glass-mat facer that achieves FM VSH approval rating with adhered 60 or 80 mil (smooth back) JM TPO membrane and standard JM TPO membrande adhesives when 4'x4' panels are adhered in low rise foam adhesive using the ribbon application with 12" O.C. ...

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1177

Very Severe Hail: Achieves FM 'VSH' approval with adhered 60 or 80 mil (smooth back) JM TPO membrane and standard JM TPO membrane adhesives when 4'x4' panels are adhered in low rise foam adhesive ribbons, 12" O.C. min.

Enhanced Face Mat: Coated fiberglass facer ideal for fully adhered systems provides a broader compatibility and higher performance with roofing adhesives.

Fire Performance: FM Class 1 for fire barrier requirements and UL Class A unlimited slope with excellent surface burning characteristics. 5/8" thickness meets the requirements of Type X per ASTM C 1177.

Invinsa Roof Board 04


FM VSH Approval Rating Advantages

Available Documents

Cement and Glass Mesh Cover Board

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1325

Durability: Composed of a lightweight cementicious core to provide exceptional impact resistance.

Strength: Exceptionally high compressive strength improves overall roof system performance. Cement board is able to withstand prolonged exposure to moisture and is ideal for systems where wind uplift and puncture resistance are a concern.

Fire Performance: FM Class 1 for fire barrier requirements and UL Class A unlimited slope with excellent surface burning characteristics.

Moisture and Mold Resistance: Cement based core provides superior moisture, mold, and mildew resistance. Scores a maximum "10" for mold resistance when tested per ASTM D 3273.

Gypsum DEXcell Cement board
Available Documents

Heavy-Duty Coated Glass-Mat Faced Gypsum Cover Board

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1177

Handleability: Heavy duty coated fiberglass facer ideal for fully adhered systems improves handling and strength. Scores and snaps easily.

Strength: High compressive strength improves overall roof system performance. Ideal for systems where wind uplift and puncture resistance are a concern.

Fire Performance: FM Class 1 for fire barrier requirements and UL Class A unlimited slope with excellent surface burning characteristics. 5/8" thickness meets the requirements of Type X per ASTM C 1177.

Moisture and Mold Resistance: Enhanced mold resistant core and coated fiberglass facers provide mold and mildew resistance per ASTM-D 3273.

Available Documents

Heavy-Duty Coated Glass-Mat Faced Gypsum Cover Board With Very Severe Hail (VSH) Protection

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1177

Very Severe Hail: JM DEXcell FA VSH Glass Mat Roof Board meets FM 'VSH' with fully adhered JM 80 mil (smooth back) TPO membrane and standard JM TPO membrane adhesives, 4'x4' DEXcell FA VSH boards adhered in JM Roofing System Urethane Adhesive (RSUA) ribbons, 12" OC min. JM TPO FB 115 or FB 135 membranes can be adhered with JM Two-Part UIA in a splatter application, DEXcell FA VSH may be mechanically fastened or adhered with JM RSUA in ribbons, 12" OC min.

Handleability: Heavy duty coated fiberglass facer ideal for fully adhered systems improves handling and strength. Scores and snaps easily.

Strength: High compressive strength improves overall roof system performance. Ideal for systems where wind uplift and puncture resistance are a concern.

Fire Performance: FM Class 1 for fire barrier requirements and UL Class A unlimited slope with excellent surface burning characteristics. 5/8" thickness meets the requirements of Type X per ASTM C 1177.

Moisture and Mold Resistance: Enhanced mold resistant core and coated fiberglass facers provide mold and mildew resistance per ASTM-D 3273.




DEXCELL FA VSH Board Sell Sheet

Insulations and Cover Boards Selector Guide


DEXcell FA VSH Launch

Available Documents

High-density, perlite-based cover board with a polymerized asphalt emulsion coating.

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 728, Type 2

Polymerized Asphalt Emulsion Coating: Allows for direct application of SBS or APP membranes using torch application techniques, and does not require pre-heating like heavily coated boards. This allows for fuel savings and labor efficiency by eliminating fasteners with a mechanically fastened base sheet.

Expanded Perlite: Provides good dimensional stability, excellent insulation value with stable R-value and fire resistance.

Reinforcing Cellulosic Fibers: Consists of recycled newsprint to provide strength to the board as well as high recycled content. JM utilizes third party certification by UL environment to certify the recycled content and contributes to the LEED Materials and Resource (MR) credit 4.

High Density: Provides additional strength and durability.



JM Perlite Advantages  -  English  |   French

Case Studies

American Life & Accident Insurance Co.

Recycled Content

UL Environmental Claim Validation

Available Documents

High-thermal, closed-cell polyisocyanurate foam core insulation board with universal fiber glass-reinforced facers.

Meets the following requirements:
ENRGY 3 / Tapered ENRGY 3
• CAN/ULC S704, Type 2, Class 3 (140 kPa)
• ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 1, Grade 2 ENRGY 3 25 PSI / Tapered
• CAN/ULC S704, Type 3, Class 3 (170 kPa)
• ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 1, Grade 3

Glass-Reinforced Facers: Provides rigidity and resistance to indentation and crushing, and are compatible with BUR, modified bitumen and single ply membrane systems.

Closed Cell Polyisocyanurate Foam Core: Provides high R-value per inch in built-up, modified bitumen, metal roof and single ply roof systems, and utilizes a zero ozone depletion blowing agent that provides high thermal insulation performance.



Tapered Insulation Chart

Available Documents

High-thermal, closed-cell polyisocyanurate foam core with an inorganic-coated glass facer on each side.

Meets the following requirements:
• CAN/ULC S704, Type 2, Class 3 (140 kPa)
• ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 2
ENRGY 3 25 PSI CGF / Tapered ENRGY 3 25 PSI CGF
• CAN/ULC S704, Type 3, Class 3 (170 kPa)
• ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 3

Inorganic Coated Glass Facers: (With no cellulose) Provide improved resistance to mold growth, as well as a smooth surface that performs well with self-adhering systems, and efficient adhesive application in fully adhered single ply systems.

Closed Cell Polyisocyanurate Foam Core: Provides high R-value per inch in built-up, modified bitumen, metal roof and single ply roof systems, and utilizes an environmentally compliant blowing agent that provides high thermal insulation performance.



UL Class A Combustible Wood Deck Approvals

Tapered Insulation Chart

Available Documents

High-density, laminated cant board made of high strength fibers and expanded perlite.

Expanded Perlite: Provides good dimensional stability and excellent insulation value with stable R-value. The high perlite content offers far greater fire resistance than conventional wood fiber materials.

Reinforcing Cellulosic Fibers: Consists of recycled newsprint to provide strength to the board as well as high recycled content. JM utilizes third party certification by UL® Environment to certify the recycled content and contributes to the LEED® Materials and Resource (MR) credit 4.

FesCant Plus Cant Strips: Manufactured from JM Cant Board, a high-density, laminated perlite board that provides excellent transition from the deck to the wall of the roof.

Tapered FESCO Edge Strips: Excellent for transitioning from membrane to nailer, or transitioning from Tapered FESCO®, Tapered ENRGY 3®, or Tapered Fesco Foam® panels to the roof level to help promote positive drainage.



JM Perlite Advantages  -  English  |   French

Recycled Content

FesCant Plus UL Environmental Claim Validation

Tapered FESCO Edge Strip UL Environmental Claim Validation


Available Documents

1/2" High-Density Polyisocyanurate Cover Board

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 4, Grade 1

High-Density Polyisocyanurate Foam Core: Closed cell polyisocyanurate foam technology provides additional insulation value (R-value of 2.5), with lightweight and low water absorption characteristics.

Inorganic Coated Glass Facers: (With no cellulose) Provide improved resistance to mold growth, as well as a smooth surface that performs well with self-adhering systems, and efficient adhesive application in adhered single ply systems.

Lightweight: Offers labor and installation efficiencies and allows more options for situations where the overall weight is a concern. This also means easy hoisting, staging and maneuvering around the roof.

High R-Value (2.5 R): Provides significantly more thermal insulation (R-value) than wood fiber or gypsum boards.

User Friendly: ProtectoR HD allows easy & efficient scoring, cutting and snapping which permits fast, tight fabrication and all in a low dust environment.

Resistance To Damage: High impact, flexural and compressive strength pro- vides a protective layer for insulation while working with the membrane above to ensure maximum performance and longevity.

Up to 50% Fewer Fasteners: Achieves FM 1-90 utilizing 8 fasteners per 4'x8'boardwithanadhered reinforcedmembraneand11fastenersper 4'x 8' board with an adhered non-reinforced membrane over a min. 22 ga steel deckorstructuralconcretedeck.

Protector HD FR


ProtectoR HD Advantages

ProtectoR HD as a Substrate Board

JM Polyiso Cover Boards Brochure

UL Class A Combustible Wood Deck Approvals

Cover Board Comparison Guide


Johns Manville Announces ProtectoR™ HD

Available Documents

High-density, expanded, perlite-based cover board engineered to optimize system performance across all applications.

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 728, Type 3

TopLoc® Coating: Top surface is sealed with this special coating to reduce excessive adhesive absorption in hot-asphalt and cold applied roofing systems, and to provide a strong surface for bonding bituminous membranes.

Expanded Perlite: Provides good dimensional stability, excellent insulation value with stable R-value and superior fire resistance.

Reinforcing Cellulosic Fibers: Consists of recycled newsprint to provide strength to the board as well as high recycled content. JM utilizes third party certification by UL environment to certify the recycled content and contributes to the LEED Materials and Resource (MR) credit 4.

High Density: Provides additional strength and durability over 1/2" Retro-Fit Board with low moisture content and water resistance compared to wood fiber board.



JM Perlite Advantages  -  English  |   French

Recycled Content

UL Environmental Claim Validation

Available Documents

Aggregated Portland cement slurry with polymer coated, glass-fiber mesh.

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1325

Ideal for liquid applied membrane roof systems.

Strength: Engineered to provide superior wind-uplift performance for a wide variety of roof assemblies. The board is formed using an aggregated portland cement slurry with a polymer-coated, glass-fiber mesh completely encompassing edges and both surfaces, to enhance bond strength of membrane systems and gives excellent resistance to delamination.

Fire Performance: Provides excellent fire performance with unlimited slope classifications and is non-combustable per UL 790.

Moisture and Mold Resistance: Cement based, highly water durable board, scored a maximum "10" for mold resistance when tested per ASTM D 3273.

Available Documents

Gypsum- and cellulose-fiber roof board with integral water-resistant core.

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1278

Strength: Engineered to provide high wind-uplift performance. Uniform composition providing enhanced bond strength of membrane systems with no risk of facer delamination.

Fire Performance: Provides excellent fire performance, and demonstrates exceptional surface burning characteristics. 5/8" thickness meets the requirements of Type X per ASTM C 1177.

Moisture and Mold Resistance: Integral water-resistant core scored a maximum "10" for mold resistance when tested per ASTM D 3273.

Available Documents

Inorganic Polyisocyanurate Roof Recover Board

Meets the requirements of ASTM C 1289, Type II, Class 2, Grade 3

Closed Cell Polyisocyanurate Foam Core: Closed cell polyisocyanurate foam technology provides additional insulation value with lightweight and low water absorption characteristics.

Inorganic Coated Glass Facers: (With no cellulose) Provide improved resistance to mold growth, as well as a smooth surface that performs well with self-adhering systems, and efficient adhesive application in adhered single ply systems.

High R-Value (2.9 R): Has more than two times the R-value of wood fiber and more than four times the R-value of gypsum boards.

User Friendly: Allows easy and efficient scoring, cutting and snapping which permits fast, tight fabrication and all in a low dust environment.

Lightweight: Offers labor and installation efficiencies and allows more options for situations where the overall weight is a concern. This also means easy hoisting, staging and maneuvering around the roof.

Up to 50% Fewer Fasteners: Achieves FM 1-90 utilizing 8 fasteners per 4'x8'boardwithanadhered reinforcedmembraneand11fastnersper 4'x 8' board with an adhered non-reinforced membrane over a min. 22 ga steel deckorstructuralconcretedeck.

Protector HD FR


SeparatoR CGF Advantages

JM Polyiso Cover Boards Brochure

UL Class A Combustible Wood Deck Approvals

Cover Board Comparison Guide


Johns Manville Announces SeparatoR® CGF

Available Documents