Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd this year. For 2019 our Littleton, CO office is hosting an Earth Day event focusing on the theme: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. To support this theme there will be collections for pet supplies, books, eye glasses, and electronics. Training sessions for employees will be conducted on the different items that can be recycled vs. composted and easy ways to reuse. Don’t forget those little bees out there! We have a few bee hives on the property year round to help support the local plant life. We will take some time to educate our employees about our on-campus bees, but also on what they can do to support these little pollinators around their homes. In 2018, 70 pounds of honey were made by the bees.
In 2018, our Rockdale, Ill. plant used 12,826,819 pounds of recycled newsprint to manufacture our FESCO cover board product.
We are committed to building a sustainable future for our employees, customers, and the communities in which we operate.
One of our four core values is to Protect. We protect today to ensure tomorrow. Protecting our customers, employees, families, and the world around us is our responsibility.
View our most recent sustainability report to see how Johns Manville has been committed to our values and how we continue to strive to make an impact for our employees and communities.

JM TPO Plant, Scottsboro, AL
Between 2011 and 2013, JM’s Scottsboro, Alabama roofing facility reduced its waste by 85 percent. In 2014, waste disposal at this plant was nearly half of what it was in 2013. Our Scottsboro plant continues to employ a stringent recycling program to minimize waste as it has since the launch of this program in 2011.

We even have products you can use on commercial green roofs!
Check out these two awesome case studies:
JM Contractor Meets Extraordinary Roofing Requirements
Iconic Louisville Building Installs a “Greenest of Green” Vegetative Solution