Unfaced vs. Kraft-Faced Insulation
What is the difference between unfaced and Kraft-faced insulation and how is it installed?
Unfaced means the insulation lacks a vapor retarder (paper or plastic facing). Kraft-faced insulation includes a paper vapor retarder, which helps prevent mold and mildew.
Kraft-faced insulation should be installed in exterior walls, exterior basement walls, and attic ceilings by pressing the product into the wall cavity with the paper side facing outward, towards the installer. The insulation should be snug in the cavity, but not compressed. If the product needs additional support, consider using a staple gun to hold the insulation in place.
Here is a helpful guide and video with further instruction on how to install faced insulation.
It’s important to check local building codes for vapor retarder requirements when tackling an insulation installation job.
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