What is the Best Way to Insulate Around Appliances?
What is the best way to insulate around appliances, like refrigerators, ovens, washer and dryers?
Below is a basic guide for insulating around a few common objects in the kitchen and laundry room. Keep in mind that when installing insulation around kitchen or laundry appliances, it’s important to note the temperature that the object gives off. For objects that give off heat, use insulation with thermal protection, like JM Formaldehyde-free™ fiberglass or mineral wool insulation. Insulating these appliances can improve the operating efficiency, product lifespan and any operating costs.
Insulating around an oven – Insulation should be wrapped around the outer oven cabinet, serving as a heat barrier between the appliance and wall.
Insulating around a refrigerator – Use rigid insulation to preserve the low temperatures necessary for a refrigerator to operate functionally, while also limiting the amount of cool air escaping into the rest of the home. The top, sides, and bottom of the fridge should be properly insulated, and while thicker insulation will be best for maximum temperature retention, make sure it is not so thick that the pieces are unable to fit into the wall space effectively.
Insulating around a washer or dryer – Place insulation between the appliance and wall to reduce the transfer of heat or condensation to the walls around the machines. Use spray foam or caulk for insulating the dryer vent, paying close attention to ensure no air is escaping from the piping.
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