Employee Spotlight: Meet Dana Miloaga

At Johns Manville, innovation is fueled by the passion and creativity of our people. In this Employee Spotlight series, we introduce you to the individuals behind the projects and solutions that drive our company’s progress. Meet Dana Miloaga, the Nonwoven Technology Innovation & Commercialization Leader. Discover Dana’s experiences, what excites her about innovation, and her advice for anyone looking to pursue a career in this field.


            Dana Miloaga, PhD

Position:         Nonwoven Technology Innovation & Commercialization Leader

Division:         Engineered Products

At JM since:   2014

Tell us about yourself and your role at JM. 

I am a chemical engineer with a long career in materials, curious and able to thrive in cross-functional teams. About a year and a half ago, I transitioned from JM’s corporate R&D organization to the Engineered Products business. Currently, I lead the Innovation and Commercialization (I&C) team, which is responsible for developing, commercializing, and monitoring new nonwoven products in North America. Our team focuses on technical nonwovens made from both glass fiber and synthetic fiber.


Fiberglass Nonwoven
Fiberglass Nonwoven



Polyester Nonwoven
Polyester Nonwoven

What aspects of your work do you find most exciting and innovative? 

I find it exciting to work with others and love finding collaborative ways to solve complex problems. That means collaborating within the company, as well as with customers and external partners, sharing our strengths and succeeding together. Today, I am thrilled by how we work with JM’s Insulation Systems I&C team as they incorporate our nonwovens into next-generation, low-emitting products.

What motivates and drives your passion for innovation in your field? 

I believe that opportunities for true innovation – those world-changing ideas – are actually quite rare. However, in our field, there is tremendous potential for change. This begins with a deep understanding of unmet needs in the markets we serve and continuing to explore markets we currently don’t participate in. I am passionate about the discovery process and enjoy working on opportunities identified by cross-functional teams that align with market segment strategies.


JM Technical Center in Littleton, CO, USA
JM Technical Center in Littleton, CO, USA


How do you stay updated on industry trends and emerging technologies? 

I try to utilize the tools and memberships available to us at JM and connect with the R&D teams weekly. Outside of JM, I stay informed by reading and maintaining memberships in professional organizations. I dig deeper when I see interesting LinkedIn updates. A big chunk of my personal time goes to volunteering for professional organizations and participating in technical committees for conferences. I have volunteered for different technical committees such as CAMX, ACMA Thermoplastic Composites Conference, SPE ACCE 2023, and found reviewing the papers submitted for technical programs very interesting and rewarding.

What advice do you have for individuals aspiring to have a career in innovation within the industry? 

My advice is to avoid working in isolation. Engaging with others, joining cross-functional teams, and chatting with business leaders and key account managers are crucial for understanding customers, processes, and markets. These interactions help identify needs and guide us in meaningful directions. While being an outstanding subject matter expert doesn’t always guarantee meaningful innovation, JM has the culture and tools to bridge that gap. Remain curious about different industries and surround yourself with creativity from various fields like music, visual arts, or science. Being open, collaborative, and understanding what makes our colleagues unique is priceless for fostering an innovative environment. 

How do you see the future of your field evolving, and what role do you think JM will play in it? 

I think we are catching a glimpse of the future now. Nonwovens are becoming chemically transparent, and customers are increasingly requesting product composition disclosures and information on emissions and carbon footprint. There is a strong focus on sustainability and the measurable impact of the design and process solutions. Internally, we are learning more about existing assets and optimizing product portfolios to focus on our strengths and sustainable production.

Outside of work, what are some hobbies or interests that you are passionate about?  

I look forward to long walks with my husband and our dogs, but I also enjoy when I can spend an entire Sunday reading. The mountains attracted me to Colorado, but I really love large, vibrant, and busy cities. In Denver, I make time to see the new murals during the September graffiti festival, stroll through local art districts, and my husband and I enjoy going to shows at our favorite local theatre.

Graffiti Art Festival in Denver
Graffiti Art Festival in Denver



North America I&C Team at the Toledo Art Museum
North America I&C Team at the Toledo Art Museum

Can you share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

The American dream is not an abstract concept for me. My father was a successful mechanical engineer in Romania and inspired me with his confident and kind leadership style, always focused on solutions. So, in my mid-twenties I decided to go for it. I spent a year on dial-up modems and in internet cafes, researching the US graduate school system, scholarships, tuitions, programs, standardized tests, and requirements. I followed the process, secured a full scholarship, and made my way here on my own, borrowing money for the plane ticket and having less than two hundred dollars in a cute cross-body bag that was trending in Europe at the time. What followed was interesting, very challenging and incredibly fun. I can’t wait to see what’s next.

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