Attic Insulation’s Role in Whole Home Comfort and Efficiency

Perhaps you’ve heard it before – a well-insulated attic can make a real difference in your energy bills and how comfortable your home can be. It bears repeating, because it’s true!

Attic insulation plays a huge role in your home. Sure, you rarely see it or think about it, but it works hard for your home through all the seasons. Simple upgrades to attic insulation, when needed and appropriate, can do wonders for you. 

After all, the EPA estimates that homeowners can save an average of 15% on heating and cooling costs by air sealing their homes and adding insulation in attics, floors over crawl spaces and basements. With the continually rising costs of energy bills nowadays, who wouldn’t like to see a smaller number on their bill?

Why is attic insulation so important?
Attic insulation plays a big role in your home’s comfort. Hot roofs mean temperatures in attics can soar in a hurry, but proper insulation slows that temperature rise. Insulation also helps keep that hot air trapped in the attic instead of allowing it to enter the livable space of the home.

Likewise, proper attic insulation helps keep heated and cooled air in the main home (that air you’ve paid to condition!) where it belongs, instead of escaping into the attic. This means the heating and cooling systems in your home don’t have to work as hard either, reducing your bills and lengthening the life of the HVAC system.

Proper insulation and sealing can also help with indoor air quality, preventing outdoor pollutants from entering the home and spreading.

Checking for and adding insulation
A simple visual check can often help determine whether you have adequate insulation in your attic or need more. If you’re new to your home or have been there for a while, it’s probably time to take a peek.

If the insulation is at or below the level of the floor joists, it’s likely you need more insulation. The average home needs up to 19 inches of fiberglass insulation in an attic for maximum energy efficiency. You can use our handy insulation calculator to determine your specific needs based on your county and other project details. 

If you’ll be adding blown-in insulation to your attic, JM has two great options. For DIYers, Johns Manville Attic Protector® can be installed with a rented portable blowing wool machine. If you’d rather a pro do the work, Climate Pro® is engineered for professional use with high-volume blowing machines and is ideal for attics.

Tax credits for added incentive
If you need another reason to consider augmenting your attic insulation, we’ve got it – tax credits for homeowners. With the 25C Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit, homeowners can get tax credits for adding insulation to improve their home’s energy efficiency.

Get credits for up to 30% of the cost of insulation materials installed, for a max of $1,200 each year. And there’s no lifetime dollar limit, so these tax credits can go to work for you year after year with additional energy efficiency upgrades.

Check out our resource page with information and links regarding these tax credits.


Additional Resources
ENERGY STAR’s Rule Your Attic! campaign includes a series of videos exploring things like different types of insulation, how to determine if you need more insulation, and how to install insulation or find a contractor.